Friday, 17 February 2017

The start of a mystery tour

I've always wanted to be an electrical engineer since I was a little boy, and, to make a long story short, I graduated as one. Teaching was a profession I didn't want to get into, and as a university student I made up my mind that I would never be a teacher. However, life thought otherwise. Towards the end of my studies I joined the university as a summer trainee, and before I knew it, I was giving exercise classes to freshmen and second-year students of electrical engineering, and then learning about teaching and how one learns. Soon I was teaching my own courses adapting and applying the new ideas I'd picked up. I've built lots of little electronic gadgets as a hobby, a lot of them, funnily enough, to demonstrate electrical phenomena in the classroom.

My interest in teaching grew immensely. I learned about PBL, I was very excited about the approach, and so together with a couple of colleagues, I designed two PBL courses covering basic circuit analysis. The mathematics required in the subject posed quite a challenge in the course design. Building and developing the course was hard, often frustrating, but all in all it was fun. The course itself turned out to be very thrilling. We did this for several years and we even published the results of a little study we made on our experiment [1]. This resource-consuming experiment ended when we ran out of funding and human-power. All the effort I put in and the tricks I tried to get students to learn have been in the classroom—keeping things as simple as possible, little gadgets and circuit simulations to arouse interest, group discussions, and so on—where we've all been present in the same physical space.

My opinion on remote learning over the Internet is prejudiced, perhaps because of the burden of having to acquaint myself with new software, or perhaps because communication via a screen is so limited and hence difficult, or may be simply because it's so different from classroom teaching. I've used Skype to teach a friend on the other side of the world, and I don't know how well I've managed to communicate, but I'm sure that not as well as if we'd shared the same physical space. This experience was not as satisfying as in the classroom.

So, where am I going with this write-up? I have often been out of my comfort zone before when teaching or studying, but I feel that I've never been as far out as I am now: this is the first time I'm writing a blog, the first time I'm attending an online course, the first time that all the tools I'm using are new. I'm apprehensive about publishing a public blog reflecting my learning experience. After my unnecessary initial anxiousness about getting the technology to work, my first impression of the webinar on Tuesday the 13th, was, "Wow! So many people from all over the world connected, and this works!" A few minutes into the webinar, I noticed I was distracted by the continuous stream of comments on the chat and soon after by the slides—shown at a slow pace, thank goodness. Where should I focus my attention, on the instructors and what they are saying in the video, on the slides, or on the comments in the chat? I didn't even notice that a question was directed to me there. (My colleague brought this to my notice shortly, and I then quickly responded.) I clearly have a lot to learn. I'm simultaneously apprehensive and excited, just as one is at the beginning of a journey to a strange new land. What comforts me is the enthusiasm of the participants in this course, who in all probability are novices just like me on this journey, which hints that I may be at the start of a magical mystery tour. I hope it is.


  1. Costa, L.R.J, Honkala, M. & Lehtovuori A. "Applying the problem-based learning approach to teach elementary circuit analysis," IEEE Transactions on Education, Volume: 50, Issue: 1, Feb. 2007. DOI: 10.1109/TE.2006.886455


  1. Hello Luis and welcome to this virtual learning space! I think you have the most important trait going for you, and that is curiosity. You will learn so much during the following weeks while trying out different tools like blogs and webinars. You have an advantage in knowing PBL, for me it was difficult in the beginning to learn the method, although I knew most of the tools.

  2. Luis, thank you for this great blog!
    You made a number of points that really resonated with me.

    First, your teaching style. Keeping things simple and engaging and encouraging peer learning through (facilitated?) group discussion are all elements that work really well online too!

    Second, moving from ‘how could this possibly work?’ to being in the webinar thinking ‘wow this does work!’ is a lightbulb moment that many of us can identify with.
    I’ve been teaching online for 10 years now but I still remember the feeling before my first class of ‘how on earth can I teach by typing to people?’ Of course, there’s a bit more to it than that For me the most important thing is to try to build a sense of connection between everyone in the class. That can take a lot of time and effort initially, but I think its well worth it for the impact it has on engagement, participation and retention rates.

    Its interesting what you said about being distracted in the webinar. That can easily happen, especially when there’s a lot going on on screen. When you are with a smaller PBL group, or with your own class, it may be easier.
    That said, as a teacher, I used to get annoyed when I could see students ‘chatting’ in the Chat area during class. I used to wonder why they were not paying attention. But of course, no-one pays full attention the whole time and having been an online student, I now realise that those informal messages are really important and within reason, are probably a good thing. They show that we have some people in the room who feel connected enough to have a casual conversation…just like you might have over coffee in a traditional campus.

    Overall, I hope you will find that although online may pose challenges that we don’t find in a traditional class, it offers a wealth of opportunities too!

    Looking forward to your next posts!

  3. I really enjoyed reading this blog Luis. This experience is quite overwhelming for me as well....out of my comfort zone but willing to retrace to knowledge so as to bring about the change required in teaching students I my area of expertise..

  4. I really enjoyed reading this blog Luis. This experience is quite overwhelming for me as well....out of my comfort zone but willing to retrace to knowledge so as to bring about the change required in teaching students I my area of expertise..

  5. a great reflection! really enjoyed reading this

  6. Very well written indeed ! I totalt agree on a lot of your thouhgts,

  7. Hi Luis, you are certainly not alone in feeling outside your comfort zone within this you I feel apprehensive to post my personal reflections within a public forum, and using tools that I'm not familiar with. So I guess that we are in it together:-) And our 1st presentation completed within our group as well:-)

  8. Luis, thank you very much for this post. I can really relate to your thoughts as I am experiencing the same about becoming active in different online platforms. Just like you also I will be applying what I have learned here in my future teaching activities, as I think this is very important and it is the best one can get out of a course like this. All the best! / Luis Chavez de Paz - PBL 9
